All your spearfishing rigging gear sold here. If you can't find it give us a call and we will do our best to source it for you at the best price for all your Spear Gear.
We stock 1) Belt Reels by Rob Allen and Aussie Reels, 2) Dyneema Line by Apnea, 3) Rubber by the metre - 14mm, 16mm, 18mm, 20mm by Rob Allen, Hammerhead, Ocean Hunter, 4) Pre-made Rubbers by Dive Cave, Rob Allen, Ocean Hunter, 5) Bridles by Rabitech, Dive Cave, Ocean Hunter, Rob Allen, Cressi, 6) Float Lines by Dive Cave, Rob Allen and many many more.
Need Spearfishing accessories we got them or will find them for you - give Matt a call 0450971491